In this page is all of my finished works I have done for myself or others. Using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

In this image I created for a clothing line named Panace Cache, I took one of their lines and created what is called the diffusion effect.

For this image again I took another line logo of Panacea and went for a stary but yet dramatic feel. I used the shaper tool to create the center white swirl. Than I used the paint brush to create the blue accents and a color correction to make it glow and pop more.

These are the rest of the works I created for Panacea Cache. Using different styles and looks for their website.

This is me. MK3 Designs is the name I sign on all of my graphic works. I went with more of a clean and simple logo. The reason for this is because than I can do more with it in future images and designs. Below are my other backgrounds of MK3 Designs.

Here are some other random backgrounds or images I created for myself or others.